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niedziela, 06 października 2024 napisz DONOS@

About the Festival - Jarosław Antoniuk

Dear Friends,

Jarosław Antoniuk
Jarosław Antoniuk

The Puppet and Actor Theatre is the place where theatrical creators from Poland and abroad have been meeting for 19 years.

One can see performances for children and teenagers, street and pantomime performances, paratheatrical entertainment and intellectually exquisite spectacles.

Apart from all organisational and artistic values, the Festival is important for two reasons. Firstly, it is a feast of the theatre and culture, and also Łomża becomes a multicultural theatrical forum exchanging ideas and experience. The spectacles shown in Łomża are then performed at other theatrical festivals.

13 troupes chosen from 51 applications from Poland and abroad will take part in the contest of the XIX International Theatrical Festival Valise. The programme of the Festival includes the performances of 9 foreign theatres and 4 Polish ones.

Traditionally, street performances are organized to promote the Festival among the society of Łomża and integrate the group of spectators who aren’t keen on the idea of performances taking part in the building of the Theatre. The Market Square is a place where the festival guests, organizers and the inhabitants of the town meet.

We will .nish the Festival and present the awards on June 2nd at 7pm in the auditorium of The Puppet and Actor Theatre in Łomża.

Awards for this year’s Festival were founded by: the Provincial Governor of Podlasie, the Speaker of the Podlasie Province, the president of Łomża, TV Białystok, The Rector of the High School of Agrobiznes in Łomża, The Anna Jakubowska Literary Parlour, ‘Gazeta Współczesna’ in Białystok, Radio Białystok and many Best wishes to all the authors and theatrical troupes and it is my earnest desire that this year’s festival exceeds your expectations. I would like the audience to have many di.erent experiences, thrills and joy from their contact with the arts and its creators. I want to thank our sponsors for their kindness and the involvement in organizing the Festival.


W celu świadczenia przez nas usług oraz ulepszania i analizy ich, posiłkujemy się usługami i narzędziami innych podmiotów. Realizują one określone przez nas cele, przy czym, w pewnych przypadkach, mogą także przy pomocy danych uzyskanych w naszych Serwisach realizować swoje własne cele i cele ich podmiotów współpracujących.

W szczególności współpracujemy z partnerami w zakresie:
  1. Analityki ruchu na naszych serwisach
  2. Analityki w celach reklamowych i dopasowania treści
  3. Personalizowania reklam
  4. Korzystania z wtyczek społecznościowych

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