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Do " boju " lomzynscy lekarze??!!!

No tom się doigrała!!! :D


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Re: Do " boju " lomzynscy lekarze??!!!

jasio zazdrości ci pewnie popularności :))

albo nic innego poza krytyką nie umie wyrazić

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Re: Do " boju " lomzynscy lekarze??!!!

Jony (tylko nie wiem, czy ujemne czy dodatnie??),
A co mi zrobisz jak mnie złapiesz??


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Re: Do " boju " lomzynscy lekarze??!!!


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Re: Do " boju " lomzynscy lekarze??!!!

Chciałoby się rzec, swój chłop :)))

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Re: Do " boju " lomzynscy lekarze??!!!

G8 "troszczy się" o "nasz" dobrobyt, a my się cieszymy. Jakie mogą być tego konsekwencje? Oby nie trzeba było USA przekonywać zbyt długo.

New Scientist -
"The G8 countries are responsible for 45% of global carbon dioxide emissions. Existing targets under the Kyoto protocol expire in 2012. A new round of talks on a post-Kyoto climate accord formally begins in Montreal, Canada, in December 2005."

"At a press conference after the summit closed, UK prime minister Tony Blair hinted at the same thing. He says he has not changed his view on emissions targets, but that if it was impossible to bring the US back into the consensus on climate change, then the world could not solve the problem."

New Scientist -
"The Exeter conference failed to define dangerous climate change. But it did catalogue a series of potentially sudden and disastrous changes to planetary processes that could arise with a warming of between 1°C and 3°C, including:
• runaway melting of ice caps causing eventual sea level rises of many metres;
• the shutdown of ocean currents like the Gulf Stream;
• conversion of the planet’s ecosystems from absorbers of greenhouse gas emissions into giant emitters.
In March 2005, the European Union, which includes 4 of the G8 nations, agreed that it would be dangerous to let global warming exceed 2°C. It has already warmed 0.6°C since pre-industrial times. But because of time-lags in the natural systems, such as the thermal inertia of the oceans, the world could be within a decade of becoming unavoidably committed to an eventual 2°C warming."

New Scientist -
"CLIMATE change is not a scientific issue. No, really, I'm serious. It is far more important than that. It forces us to make fundamental choices about our most basic belief systems. If policy-makers and the public could forget about the science, we'd have a much better chance of averting this looming catastrophe before it's too late."

New Scientist -
"Global warming looks set to be much worse than previously forecast, according to new research. Ironically, the crucial evidence is how little warming there has been so far.

Three top climate researchers claim that the greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere should have warmed the world more than they have. The reason they have not, they say, is that the warming is being masked by sun-blocking smoke, dust and other polluting particles put into the air by human activity.

But they warn that in future this protection will lessen due to controls on pollution. Their best guess is that, as the mask is removed, temperatures will warm by at least 6°C by 2100. That is substantially above the current predictions of 1.5 to 4.5°C.

“Such an enormous increase would be comparable to the temperature change from the previous ice age to the present,” says one of the researchers, Meinrat Andreae of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz, Germany. “It is so far outside the range covered by our experience and scientific understanding that we cannot with any confidence predict the consequences for the Earth.” "

...i wiele innych artykułów mówiących o nieuniknionych zmianach klimatycznych:

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Re: Do " boju " lomzynscy lekarze??!!!

i jestes tego pewien ze nie ma??? jak nie masz pojecia to nie pisz w temacie i nie rob OT

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Re: Do " boju " lomzynscy lekarze??!!!

Spopko spoko, myślę że Spółdzielnia sobie z tym poradzi...:)
Znajdą antidotum , potem ludziska znowu coś wymyślą, żeby nie płacić itd itd, jak w to życiu...

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Re: Do " boju " lomzynscy lekarze??!!!


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Re: Do " boju " lomzynscy lekarze??!!!

Czyżby to nie Pan_marcepan ? bo on ma FC JAGIELLONI w Łomży :)

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